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As our Naturopath takes a period of leave from clinical practice on the 17th January, 2025, Natural Fertility Co is closed for bookings. All current clients will have received an email directly from Jaclyn about these changes and next steps. If the clinic reopens we will email out communication about this. If you would like to go on our waiting list in case of a re-open please email us and we will add your details.
At Natural Fertility Co, we understand that embarking on a health and fertility journey can be daunting.
That’s why our team are here to remove the unknown and guide you every step of the way.
Unfortunately at this time we are currently not taking any new patients at the clinic. Patients already actively working with Jaclyn can book in a Return Naturopathic Appointment. If you would like to go on our waiting list for when we open up to new patients again please email us.
Have any burning questions before you book or unsure about which option is best for you? Please reach out to us at
When you are booking, please make sure you correct the timezone (in the top right corner of the booking calendar) to match your timezone before selecting your appointment time.
Your booking options
Are you trying to conceive?
We woud love to support you to try and help you bring your baby into the world. With more than 7000 babies born with the help of our clinic, we’d love to help you too.
If you’re trying to conceive, dealing with infertility or preparing for IVF and want to assess and address any health, diet and lifestyle factors that might be involved, then book our highly successful Fertility Intensive.
With an appointment each week for 4 weeks you will cover Jaclyn’s P.R.E.G.N.A.N.T method to ensure you’re addressing the important elements to improve your fertility PLUS a personal plan created to make sure you’re doing what’s right for you to try and help bring your baby into the world. All at a bundle value saving you $600 for 1 person or saving you $1200 for a couple.
Do you want period or hormone help?
Please note we are closed to new patients for Naturopathic Appointments. If you are trying to conceive please book a Fertility Intensive. Alternatively, if you would like to go on our waiting list for new patients for a Naturopathic Appointment please email us.
Are you seeking support for homone health or period problems? Are you already pregnant and have a health concern? Are you seeking a herbal prescription for a general health concern?
If so, book a Naturopathic Appointment.
Your Naturopath will analyse your health, symptoms, cycles, test results etc and then prepare the most appropriate treatment plan for you: eg herbals, supplements, diet, lifestyle.
By the end of this appointment you will be clear on when to re-book or if another of our programs is more specific to your needs.
Are you trying to lose weight?
Are you struggling to lose weight?
Are you dealing with symptoms related to hormones?
Do you have metabolic health concerns?
Are you looking for clarity on exactly WHAT you should be eating?
and support and guidance to actually know HOW and WHEN to eat those foods?
If so, book a Metabolic Balance® Program.
If you want to talk to Jaclyn before booking this please book a complimentary 15min Metabolic Balance® Info Call