Temperature charts and Trying to Conceive
Do You Really Need to do Your Temperature Charts When You’re Trying to Conceive?
We have seen so many changes in the landscape of fertility care and treatments over the last 30+ years that we have been helping couples conceive.
The accessibility to information, tests, tools etc is really empowering and helps people really understand more and more about their own health.
But, despite these changes and advances we still use temperature charts to help support the couples we are working with you are trying to conceive.
Why do we love temperature charts so much?
Temperature charts are often a non-negotiable as part of our patients treatment plan. And that’s because there is just so much information we can take from them, not only to help us adjust our herbal prescriptions but also to help as a part of the diagnostic picture to try and actually improve someone’s fertility and chance of conception.
One reason why we love temperature charts is becasue they definitely give us an insight into when ovulation occurs, without you needing to check cervical fluid or do LH tests. Plus the difference with temperature charts is that they will actually show us that ovulation occurred. While LH tests only show the surge that is trying to get ovulation to happen.
What other information can temperature charts give us?
-The temperature rises and dips in the follicular phase (from day 1- ovulation) can help give us an insight into the follicle development and changes in oestrogen.
-Your temperature at ovulation can help give us an insight into whether your body temperature is optimal for fertilisation. Sperm prefer a cooler environment so your body temperature needs to drop to support that.
-When you’re trying to conceive naturally the timing of sex is really important. And it’s really common that once we see temperature charts and the timing of sex that we realise that people are actually missing their fertile window and timing of sex.
- Progesterone levels in the luteal phase. Is this sustained or struggling? This is vital to help with implantation and the early stages of supporting a pregnancy.
-Thyroid function and basal metabolic rate.
-The way our immune system or stress might be impacting your health and fertility.
-Are a few sneaky drinks of alcohol impacting your body temperature and conception.
The best part….
Compared to blood tests which give us a snapshot on one particular day, temperature charts give us information about your whole cycle. Plus its so simple, just 1 temperature reading each and every morning.
Once you start with us for your first appointment it’s highly likely that we will ask you to start your temperature charts. And cycle by cycle we will help you understand exactly what they communicate to us.
And trust us, you’re going to love to see what it looks like on your temperature chart once you do conceive.
If you’d like to learn more about temperature charting you can watch a video created by our Naturopath, Jaclyn Harris, all about them here
Are you ready to take a deep dive into unlocking your hidden fertility blocks and gaining a clear path to overcome them? Then join us for your 1 month Fertility Intensive. This comprehensive program provides personalised guidance, clinical naturopathic care, and a roadmap tailored to your unique needs. By joining the Fertility Intensive, you'll have the opportunity to optimise your health, fertility, and chances of conception. Fast tracked in one month this moves you forward in optimising your fertility in only 4 weeks. Plus, the bonus part is that you’ll be supported by our Naturoapth, Jaclyn, as often as you need her.
With over 7000 babies born through our clinic we can’t wait to help you on your path to parenthood too.